Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Dreamy Bed

Sweet. Very Nightmare Before Christmas. I want it very much.

They have some other furniture on their site, but none of the other beds compare to this one, the "Twig Bed", which is probably why you have to call for the price. Their lamps are pretty sweet too.


John said...

Hi there Trixie, I am just passing through researching christmas clipart and spotted your post called Dreamy Bed. I found it and interesting and informative read and I just though I'd say so. Catch you again another time go to go looking for christmas clipart as well. Enjoy blogging - John

John said...

Hi there Trixie, I am just passing through researching artificial christmas trees and spotted your post called Dreamy Bed. I found it and interesting and informative read and I just though I'd say so. Catch you again another time go to go looking for artificial christmas trees as well. Enjoy blogging - John

John said...

Hiya Trixie, just thought I'd say great post titled Dreamy Bed. I'm looking for christmas pictures and I ended up here accidentally but I will make sure I return soon. Looking for christmas pictures in addition will keep me busy for a few hours. Buy for now - John

John said...

Hiya Trixie, just thought I'd say great post titled Dreamy Bed. I'm looking for christmas crafts and I ended up here accidentally but I will make sure I return soon. Looking for christmas crafts in addition will keep me busy for a few hours. Buy for now - John